Case Study: Education Coalition Trusts The Decision Co. to Provide the Data Needed to Inform the Public

EdChoice Kentucky’s, a statewide coalition focused on informing residents on school-choice programs saw an opportunity to further expand educational options in their state. To that end, the coalition needed trustworthy and affordable custom research that proved educational choice is still popular, particularly among rural voters. They also wanted to see how attitudes around education and school choice had changed—if at all—due to the coronavirus outbreak.
The Decision Co. crafted an in-depth survey instrument, interviewed 620 known registered voters, matched the voters back to their voter file to ensure accuracy, weighted the data to a likely general election universe, and analyzed the findings

The Ability to Move Forward with Confidence

By entrusting TDC with their research, EdChoice Kentucky received detailed, meaningful insight on the data, that was then compared to their past polls and current national trends. More importantly they received clear recommendations on how to best advance their issue. This allowed the coalition to move forward with confidence in their quest to inform the public about educational choice.

The results showed that the state’s rural voters overwhelmingly support educational options regardless of political party or which congressional district they live in. Additionally, many of the specific policy proposals the coalition supports are popular with these voters. In fact, a seemingly unrelated event (the COVID-19 pandemic) made voters more likely to support some of the coalition’s policy proposals.
The Decision Co. is now a trusted partner for the organization, tasked with conducting additional research of the state’s voters year-after-year in order to continue to advance the group’s objectives of ensuring that all Kentuckians have a choice in their child’s education.
“The Decision Co. gave us the insight we needed in order to craft a winning message and take our policy ideas—and the data to back them up—to the public. Now, we’re well on our way to giving the state’s children superior education options.”
– Charles Leis, EdChoice Kentucky President
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