Before embarking on an industrial turnaround, a fully integrated refinery and chemical plant in Texas needed to check the temperature of the surrounding community on their operations. Once the turnaround was in progress, they wanted to check back in to see how community members were feeling about the company and find out how to continue to build trust.
Data Provides Insight that Leads to Clear Communication
An industrial turnaround is a regularly scheduled maintenance activity to ensure safe and reliable operations. These result in an influx of workers, commerce, and industrial activities in a local community. In the pre-turnaround survey, The Decision Co.’s data provided the company with clear instructions for communicating about the upcoming turnaround with local residents of the area.
Our data demonstrated that residents already had a favorable view of turnarounds, and associated positive economic impact with this action. Potential concerns included worsening air quality and increased traffic. Residents wanted to receive advance notice of the turnaround, by mail. Equipped with clear instruction from The Decision Co.’s analysis on how to communicate with the local community and address their concerns, the company embarked on the turnaround.
A Clear Path Forward
Once the turnaround was in progress, the company engaged The Decision Co. to go back into the field with a follow-up survey. The findings of this survey reaffirmed the company’s approach to the turnaround, as community members continued to have a favorable view of the process. TDC’s analysis helped the company identify a clear path to continuing to build trust with the community by emphasizing the following commitments:
- Minimize environmental impact
- Run safe operations
- Act according to the highest standard of business ethics
- Contribute to the economic success of the country
Additionally, insights from The Decision Co.’s data demonstrated that the company should continue to highlight events and activities targeted to the community, such as a nature center and fun run. Respondents who were aware of events like this had an even more favorable view of the company.